1 divide into把……分成
2 digital divide数字鸿沟
3 divide the work分工
4 divide by除以;用…除
5 divide up瓜分;分割;分配
6 divide and conquer分而治之;各个击破
7 continental divide美国大陆洛矶山脉分水岭
8 be divided against itself(团体)分裂而自我削弱,内部分裂,发生派系斗争,发生内讧 [《马可福音》3:25]
9 divide out分配;除,约去
1 真题例句...but divide China into Northern and Southern parts...CET42017.12文本题
2 真题例句...The divide is most extreme in America...第一套CET42015.6阅读理解
3 真题例句...This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor...第一套CET42015.6阅读理解
4 真题例句...a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public...第三套CET42013.12阅读理解
1 The Wall used to divide East and West Berlin..过去这堵墙把东、西柏林隔开。
更新时间:2025-04-01 03:02:44