赤字;不足额英释nnthe difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need
1 trade deficit,n. 贸易逆差;贸易赤字
2 budget deficit,预算赤字
3 fiscal deficit,财政赤字
4 water deficit,水分亏缺;缺水量
5 current account deficit,收支往来帐户赤字;经常账目赤字
6 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,过动症,注意力不足过动症;过度活跃症
7 financial deficit,财政赤字;预算赤字
8 attention deficit disorder,注意缺失紊乱;注意力缺损/缺失症
9 deficit spending,(尤指政府的)赤字开支;寅吃卯粮
10 federal deficit,联邦赤字
11 overall deficit,总逆差
12 foreign trade deficit,对外贸易逆差
13 saturation deficit,饱和差;饱和不足量;饱和亏缺
14 deficit financing,赤字财政
1 the country’s widening budget deficit.这个国家日益严重的预算赤字
2 the US’s foreign trade deficit.美国的对外贸易逆差
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:51:53