蟹 蟹肉英释
crab meat.蟹肉
crab meat,蟹肉;灌装冻蟹肉,冻蟹肉
river crab,河蟹;毛蟹,大闸蟹
mitten crab,[动]中华绒蝥蟹(例如河蟹等)
swimming crab,[无脊椎动物]活梭子蟹
king crab,皇帝蟹;鳕场蟹;勘察加拟石蟹;鲎
hairy crab,大闸蟹,毛蟹
horseshoe crab,鲎
hermit crab,n. 寄生蟹
steamed crab,清蒸螃蟹
fiddler crab,[动]招潮蟹
green crab,青蟹;膏蟹;水蟹
blue crab,三疣梭子蟹;蓝蟹;青蟹
crab salad,蟹肉沙拉
真题例句...been fished out of existence; and the once mighty Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor...第三套CET62016.6阅读理解