消费 消耗
Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption..剧烈运动增加氧的消耗。
Over the past ten years, natural gas production has remained steady, but _________ has risen steadily. 句意: 在过去的十多年里, 天然气产量保持稳定, 而消耗量却在稳步上升。 dissipation: 挥霍, 浪费; disposal: 处置, 安排; expenditure: 花费, 支出。314expenditure
energy consumption[化]能量损耗
power consumption能量功耗
water consumption耗水量
fuel consumption耗油量
low power consumption低功耗;低电耗
consumption level消费水平
consumption structure消费结构
oil consumption油耗量;润滑油消耗量
material consumption物料消耗;材料耗用
domestic consumption国内消费;生活用电量;家庭用水量
consumption taxn. 消费税
high consumption高消费;高消耗
consumption rate消费率;消耗率;单位消耗量
oxygen consumption耗氧量,氧消耗
coal consumption耗煤量
food consumption食品消费;摄食量
gas consumption耗气量;天然气消耗量
steam consumption蒸汽消耗;耗汽量
heat consumption耗热量;热消耗
consumption credit[经]消费信贷,非生产信贷
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