Billy! Put your coat on , it’s cold outside!.比利!穿上外套,外面很冷!
The kids took off their coats and threw them on the floor..孩子们脱下外套扔在地板上。
I need a new winter coat ..我需要一件新的冬衣。
The lab assistants wear long white coats..实验室助手穿着白色的长外套。
fur coat,皮毛大衣
red coat,金线鱼
black coat,牧师, 教士
seed coat,种皮
blue coat,穿蓝制服的
coat of paint,漆皮;涂漆层
top coat,轻薄大衣;表面涂层
thin coat,薄膜
coat pocket,衣袋
mink coat,貂皮大衣
coat of arms,n. 盾徽;盾形纹章
zinc coat,镀锌;镀锌层
winter coat,冬衣
base coat,底漆;打底层;中间涂层
powder coat,粉末喷涂;粉末敷涂
dust coat,风衣;粉涂
surface coat,表被;表面层;表面外膜
coat hanger,衣架;挂衣钩
brown coat,二道墁扶,二道抹灰
gel coat,胶衣,凝胶涂层;凝胶漆