


权利 所有权英释


The Maldives pressed its claim to hold the summit..马尔代夫一再要求主办这场峰会。

Philip feared Edward would lay claim to the Scottish crown..菲利普担心爱德华会主张自己继承苏格兰王位的权利。

the competing claims of parents and teachers.家长和教师各执一词的说法


claim for,要求;索取

claim for compensation,索赔

lay claim to,要求;自以为

make a claim,索赔;对…提出要求

lodge a claim,提出索赔

right of claim,请求权;求偿权

insurance claim,保险索赔

residual claim,剩余权益;[经]剩余索偿权

baggage claim,行李认领;领取行李;取行李处

claim damages,要求损害赔偿

claim form,索赔申请表;催询单;催缺通函

claim compensation,要求赔偿

contingent claim,未定权益;或有求偿权;附带要求

claim tag,n. 行李票

file a claim,提出索赔

have a claim on,有对…的要求权

claim for damage,由于损坏而索赔;赔偿损害要求

independent claim,[法律]独立请求书

claim indemnity,索赔

false claim,[经]无根据的债权


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