典礼 仪式
a wedding ceremony.婚礼
the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.奥运会开幕式
cere(蜡) + mony(看作money, 钱) → 古代举行典礼, 蜡烛和钱是少不了的 → 典礼记忆
opening ceremony开学典礼;开幕式;开幕仪式;开幕典礼
wedding ceremonyn. 结婚典礼
signing ceremony签字仪式;签约仪式
closing ceremony闭幕典礼
graduation ceremonyn. 毕业典礼
award ceremony颁奖仪式,颁奖典礼
tea ceremony茶道
marriage ceremony结婚仪式,结婚典礼
inauguration ceremony就职典礼
launching ceremony下水仪式;下水典礼
solemn ceremony隆重的典礼
stand on ceremony讲究客套;拘于礼节
foundation stone laying ceremony奠基仪式;奠基礼
completion ceremony竣工式,竣工仪式
真题例句...remembers sitting with other teachers watching students file out of a graduation ceremony and asking one another in astonishment...CET42012.6阅读理解