软骨英释中释na strong substance that can bend, which is around the joints in your body and in your outer ear
1 articular cartilage,关节软骨
2 hyaline cartilage,透庙骨,透明软骨
3 thyroid cartilage,[解]甲状软骨
4 cartilage cell,软骨细胞;软骨小体
5 cricoid cartilage,环状软骨;环球软骨
1 Andre Agassi has pulled out of next week's Grand Slam Cup after tearing a cartilage in his chest..安德烈·阿加西胸部软骨拉伤后已退出了下周的大满贯赛事。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:07:17