骨;骨骼英释nnone of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human, animal, or fish body
剔去的骨;施骨肥于英释vvto remove the bones from fish or meat
1 bone marrow,骨髓
2 to the bone,adv. 到极点;彻骨地
3 bone fracture,骨折
4 bone loss,骨质疏松;骨质流失
5 bone formation,骨形成;骨生成
6 bone graft,n. 移植骨;骨移植物
7 bone china,骨灰瓷
8 long bone,[医]长骨
9 cancellous bone,松质骨
10 bare bones,梗概
11 bone cement,骨水泥;骨接合剂
12 broken bone,骨折;断骨
13 bone of contention,争论的焦点;争端的原因
14 nasal bone,鼻骨
15 bone meal,骨粉(可用作动物饲料或肥料)
16 bone matrix,骨基质
17 oracle bone,甲骨(中国商朝用来刻写占卜文字的龟甲兽骨)
18 jaw bone,颌骨
19 cortical bone,[医]骨密质
20 no bones about it,毫无疑问,实话实说
1 The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places..X光检查显示有两处骨折。
2 Amelia had inherited her mother’s good bone structure ..阿梅莉亚遗传了母亲的优美骨架。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:09:04