bank(银行) + rupt(打破) → 银行里的账户被打破了 → 破产的记忆
1 go bankrupt破产
2 bankrupt of完全缺乏
1 The firm went bankrupt before the building work was completed..建筑工程尚未竣工,公司就破产了。
2 In 1977 he was declared bankrupt (= by a court ) ..1977年,他被宣布破产。
3 Mr Trent lost his house when he was made bankrupt ..特伦特先生破产以后房子也没有了。
4 Seventeen years of war left the country bankrupt..17年的战争把国家耗空了。
5 a bankrupt electrical company.一家破产的电力公司
更新时间:2025-02-21 22:57:46