1 "When we saw its huge teeth, we knew it couldn't be a baleen whale..“我们知道它必然是一个庞然大物,”兰博特继续回忆道:“当我们看见它牙齿的第一眼就判定它不可能是长须鲸。
2 Evoking the poster for the original summer blockbuster, a new species of killer sperm whale attacks a baleen whale in an illustration..据解说,一个新品种的杀手抹香鲸正在袭击另一只长须鲸。 让人自然联想到早夏季重磅出击的海报。
3 Its calls do not match those of any known species, although they are clearly those of a baleen whale, a group that includes blue, fin and humpback whales..牠发出的声响无法与任何已知物种声音相符,虽然他显然和蓝鲸是同一种类的。
更新时间:2025-02-22 14:53:51