有效 性 可得性英释
the availability of cheap flights.有廉价机票出售
water availability,水有效性;水资源可利用量
availability factor,可利用率;有效性因素
plant availability,设备利用率
general availability,一般利用率
availability of raw materials,原材料可得性
真题例句...OpenTable is a free service that shows users restaurant availability based on where and when they want to dine...第三套CET62016.6听力题
真题例句...So there may actually be a worsening of credit availability to small and medium sized businesses in the next year or so...第一套CET62016.6听力题
真题例句...so the availability of a large basement would be a considerable advantage...第一套CET62014.6听力题
真题例句...including the widespread availability of broadband...CET62009.12阅读理解
真题例句...One is the availability of broadband everywhere...CET62009.12阅读理解
真题例句...Nobody is saying that the “big two” – reduced physical activity and increased availability of food – are not important contributors to the epidemic...CET62008.12阅读理解