


注意力 关心 立正 口令 英释


My attention wasn’t really on the game..我的注意力其实不在比赛上。

She tried to pay attention to what he was saying..她尽量注意听他说话。

If you paid more attention in class, you might actually learn something!.要是你上课更认真些,也许能实实在在地学到些东西!

Scott sat down at his desk and turned his attention to the file he had in front of him..斯科特在自己的办公桌前坐下,将注意力转向面前的文件。

As a society we need to give more attention to the needs of older people..生活在同一社会里,我们得更加关注长者的需求。

Now he’s gone, I can give you my undivided attention ..现在他已经走了,我可以把全部注意力都放在你身上。

This game is fun and is sure to keep the attention of any young student..这个游戏很有趣,一定能使年幼学生保持注意力。

They listened to the speech with close attention ..他们很认真地听演讲。

Attention to detail is essential in this job..关注细节是这份工作所必需的。

During the lecture Sarah’s attention began to wander ..上课时,萨拉开始走神了。


pay attention,专心;集中注意力

pay more attention to,更加注意

pay close attention to,密切注意

be paid attention to,关心

give one's attention to,v. 注意

give attention to,考虑;注意;关心

public attention,公众的关注

attract attention,vi. 引起……的注意

for your attention,请你注意;您的关照

draw attention,引起注意

with attention,adj. 留心地,注意地

medical attention,医疗照顾;医疗看护

immediate attention,注视;及时关注

pay no attention to,不注意,不在意

matters need attention,注意事项

call attention to,唤起注意

prompt attention,从速办理

undivided attention,一心一意

attention span,注意广度;注意力的持续时间

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,过动症,注意力不足过动症;过度活跃症

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