at an end



结束 终结英释中释


结束;终结英释中释If something is at an end, it has finished and will not continue.


1 When our day's work was at an end we hastened there..当天工作一结束, 我们就急忙赶到那里。

2 From this moment all his care and sorrow was at an end, and the father lived in happiness with his children till his death..从此刻开始他的所有的悲伤和担心都结束了,于是父亲和他的孩子一直过着幸福的生活直到他去世。

3 "The times are as bad as ever," she said; "we have just half a loaf left, and when that is gone all love will be at an end..“时代和以前一样糟糕,”她说;“我们只剩下半条面包了,当这都吃完了,所有的感情就都结束了。

at an end