积累 增加
It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth..少数特权阶级继续积聚财富,这是不公平的。
ac(不断) + cumul(堆积) + ate(使…) → 使不断堆积起来 → 积累记忆
________ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.句意: 积聚在地下的能量必须以某种形式释放, 如地震。gather: 集合, 聚集; assemble: 装配, 聚集; collect: 收集, 搜集。114Collected
If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to _______ the skills they need to succeed.句意: 如果人们感到绝望了, 他们就不会费心去积累成功所必需的技能。 adopt: 采用, 收养(是一种主观意义上的采用); acquire: 获得, 学到; assemble: 集合, 聚集。314assemble
真题例句...I can accumulate rich experience...CET42016.12写作题
真题例句...we are enabled to accumulate experience...第一套CET42013.6写作题