不合理的 荒唐的英释
It seems an absurd idea..这似乎是个荒唐的想法。
There was once an ______ idea that the earth was flat and motionless.句意: 曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球是平的且静止不动的。intrinsic: 固有的, 本质的; eternal: 永恒的; offensive: 无礼的。114offensive
It is ______ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.句意: 做同样的工作女性获得的报酬却比男性低, 这的确很荒谬。abrupt: 突然的, 意外的; adverse: 不利的, 相反的; addictive: 上瘾的。214addictive
Even sensible men do ______ things sometimes.句意: 即使理智的人有时也会做糊涂事。acute: 敏锐的; apt: 灵敏的。214apt
It seems somewhat ______ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.句意: 指望任何人开车3个小时只为了出席20分钟的会议, 这似乎有点荒谬。eccentric: 古怪的; impossible: 不可能的; unique: 唯一的。314unique
theatre of the absurd,荒谬剧场;荒诞派戏剧