
a great many


许多 很多中释


As mentioned at the beginning, as mentors we have met a great many companies and some very talented individuals..正如开始提到的,作为咨询师,我们遇见过很多公司和一些非常有才能的人。

I think that I learned a great many lessons from how I observed Mr Yokoi training his subordinates, and I think in my position I use some of them..我认为我从观察横井先生如何训练他的属下方面学到了很多,今天我在我的位置上还会用到其中的一些方法。

And in our travels to many clients, we have been fortunate to have met a great many talented and dedicated individuals..在我们和许多客户的交往中,我们有幸遇到了很多有才能的和有奉献精神的人。

a great many
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