1 The skeleton of a whale which died after becoming stranded swimming up the River Thames is going on public display..这具鲸鱼骨架是一条在英国泰晤士河中因搁浅致死的鲸鱼的骨架,目前它被公开展出。
2 Researchers working in the Black Sea have found currents of water 350 times greater than the River Thames flowing along the sea bed, carving out channels much like a river on the land..在黑海进行研究工作的科研人员发现了在海床上奔涌的水流,它们的流量是泰晤士河的350倍,如同陆地上的河流一样冲刷蚀刻出水道。
3 After his conviction of piracy and murder charges in a sensational London trial, he was left to hang over the River Thames for two years..在伦敦,他被认定海盗和谋杀罪成立的审判轰动一时,之后他的尸体被悬在泰晤士河长达两年。
更新时间:2025-02-22 15:18:54