
Peter the Great


彼得大帝 俄国皇帝 中释


But she knew that was only because, like Peter the Great in a shipwright's yard, he was studying what he wanted to know..但是苔丝知道,那只是因为他要学习他想学习的东西,就像彼得大帝到造船厂里去学习一样。

But nonetheless, Peter the Great creates this huge empire that will have over the long run, an enormous influence in European affairs..即使如此,彼得大帝还是一手创造了,这个庞大的帝国,长远来看将对欧洲事务产生极大影响

The best example I can think of offhand, I should let this wait, but Peter the Great, the czar of the Russians, who may or may not have beaten his son to death, at least he ordered him tortured..我现在临时能想到的最好的例子,就是沙皇彼得大帝,本来要等会再说的,彼得大帝是否判处了自己儿子死刑 还有争论,但至少他曾下令用酷刑折磨他的儿子

Peter the Great
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更新时间:2025-01-18 10:28:55
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