
Lake Superior




The Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area offers unparalleled waters for trout, whitefish, lake herring, and walleye..苏必利尔湖国家海洋保护区为鳟鱼,白鱼,湖鲱鱼,角膜白斑提供了无与伦比的水域。

Travel to Algoma Country on the northern part of Lake Superior then bait-up, cast your line and wait for something juicy to bite which can then be cooked a crackling fire..首先前往苏必利尔湖北面的艾柯玛县,接下来你就可以上饵、放线,然后等着那鲜美多汁的家伙上钩,最后用一堆柴火烹制你的佳肴啦。

The result is a narrow lake 410 miles (660 kilometers) long—60 miles (97 kilometers) longer than Lake Superior—and 3, 600 feet (1, 100 meters) wide, twice the width of the natural river channel..蓄水完成后,将形成一个长度达440英里(660公里),宽3600英尺(1100米)的狭长型大湖,其长度比苏必利尔湖长处60英里(97公里),宽度是长江自然河道的两倍。

Lake Superior
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