英式读音[,si: 'vi:]
简历 中释
If you have a resume or CV, linkto it from the About page, both as a downloadable PDF file and a Web-readableHTML file..如果你有个人简历,就在“关于我”页面中创建链接,并提供一个PDF版和一个网络HTML版的下载链接。
Your interview and CV also provide important information about you, so your tests results will not represent the be all and end all..你的面试和简历也提供了关于你的重要信息,所以这些测试不会是评断你的最高指标。
This prospect is supposed to make me want to work harder, complain less and polish my CV to parade gloss, so that I can be one of the lucky ones who gets to escape the rats and the rot and the rage..这一愿景应该会驱使我,更加努力的工作,更少的发牢骚,不断润色我的简历然后用来招摇过市,这样我就能成为那些最终逃离耗子,腐烂,和愤怒的众多幸运儿中的一员。