
Arthur Conan Doyle


亚瑟 柯南道尔 英国医师 小说家 推理小说家 创造了私人侦探福尔摩斯的形象 中释


Arthur Conan Doyle, himself a physician, imbued his character with the kind of keen observational skills so essential to a good physician..内科医生亚瑟柯南道尔笔下的角色,具有敏锐的观察力,这对一个好医生来说相当重要。

They admitted they had made cut-out fairies and held them up with hatpins, and said they realized the joke had gone too far when Arthur Conan Doyle was duped..他们承认他们只是用纸剪出小精灵的形状然后用别针固定照了几张相,直到柯南·道尔也上当之后他们才意识到这玩笑开大了。

Arthur Conan Doyle
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更新时间:2024-12-21 22:05:51
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