南极的英释中释adjthe very cold most southern part of the world
1 antarctic peninsula,南极半岛
2 antarctic circle,南极圈
3 antarctic treaty,南极条约
4 antarctic continent,南极大陆;南极洲
5 antarctic ocean,南冰洋
1 'They would, in fact, feel more connected to home than the early Antarctic explorers,' they write in their article..“事实上,他们会比早期的南极探险者感受到更多与家庭的联系。”他们在文章中写道。
2 We want to go on and measure the rate of molecular evolution for humans, as well as doing more work with moa and Antarctic fish to see if rates of DNA change are uncoupled in these species..我们想要进一步检测人类的分子进化速率,对于恐鸟和南极鱼类也有做更多研究的打算,想看看这些物种的DNA和形态的进化速率是否分离。
3 Antarctic octopuses eat a wide variety of animals, from clams to fish. They catch their prey with their tentacles and use their venom to kill them, much like snakes..南极章鱼的食谱宽泛,从蛤蚌到鱼类皆来者不拒。捕猎时,章鱼先用触须抓住猎物,然后用毒液杀死它们,其捕猎过程和毒蛇很相像。
更新时间:2025-03-07 07:29:29